About Us
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group (HAARG) was founded on the 3rd May 1972 to enable those with an interest in local archaeology and history to take an active part in discovering and recording our district's past.
Our interests extend from Pevensey in the west, to Bodiam and the River Rother in the north and the Kent border to the east of Rye. We have been known to cross the border into Kent when our research directs us in that direction.
As an educational charity we encourage members to take part in activities according to their ability, including training excavations, surveying and recording, historical research and helping with "rescue" digs when a site is threatened. We keep a close watch on planning applications and development areas, making representations when appropriate to the County Archaeologist and offer our local knowledge to professionals when required.
We aim to cover the entire range of human activity from prehistoric through the Roman, Saxon and later medieval periods to the present day. We support responsible metal detecting with proper recording of finds with the Portable Antiquities Scheme and liaison with local museums. We are in contact with county and national archaeological organisations plus the East Sussex County Archaeologists based in Lewes.
Additionally we have many supportive members who are unable to take part in activities but their subscriptions enable us to finance our work. We keep in touch by regular e-mails and newsletters giving details of future events and publish a journal in which our investigations are recorded, both for the information of members and for the benefit of future researchers. Historical research on local areas and sites also features in the journal. The journal is received by members as part of the subscription.