We hope to answer commonly asked questions in this section. If your question is not answered then please e-mail us at haarg@hotmail.co.uk or haargsec@gmail.com .
Can HAARG offer you paid work ?
No. We are an amateur archaeological society and not a professional organisation. We DO NOT employ archaeologists or pay salaries to our officers.
Can I dig and what experience do I need to have ?
Yes you can dig and no experience is necessary. We will train you on how to excavate.
Do I need a trowel?
No, as we will provide a trowel for your first few days.
What should I bring?
Wet weather clothes, sun factor, large hat (depending on the weather), wear sensible shoes or boots plus your own refreshments.
Can I take part in geophysics?
Yes we have our own geophysical equipment and training is available.
What other tasks can I do on site?
Most archaeological techniques are conducted on site. Training can be given in site planning and section drawing, levelling, surveying and the recording of context sheets.
Other concerns.
Disabled members are welcome but some areas of field work may be unsuitable depending on the needs and capabilities of each individual. HAARG has a vulnerable persons policy. More information is available via e-mail to haarg@hotmail.co.uk or haargsec@gmail.com .