Registered Charity No. 294989
The name of the Society shall be "Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group" of which the abbreviation shall be HAARG.
The object of the Society shall be to educate the public in the archaeology and history of Hastings and the surrounding areas. In furtherance of the above object but not further or otherwise the Society through its Executive Committee shall have the following powers:
a) To carry out co-ordinated archaeological research in Hastings and the surrounding area and to arrange for the dissemination of the useful results of such research.
b) To provide information on, and opportunities for, training in all aspects of theoretical and practical archaeology.
c) To watch for and report evidence of archaeological interest in construction, alteration and demolition work in the area.
d) To encourage members to work on research and survey projects either as individuals or in teams, on behalf of HAARG and to provide members with assistance in planning their projects.
e) To provide assistance, wherever possible and desirable, in field and excavation work when required to do so by the curators of local museums and other relevant bodies.
f) To inform the County Archaeologist, the Sussex Archaeological Society and other relevant bodies of current and future activities.
g) To record and help preserve historic buildings, provided that no funds of the Group shall be expended on the restoration of buildings or artefacts which are not owned by the Group or another charity.
h) To make available and preserve the results of work carried out by HAARG through deposit in local museums and libraries.
i) To raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatever by way of subscription, donation and otherwise provided that the Society shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its charitable objects.
j) To do all such other lawful things as shall further the above object.
a) Full membership shall be open to individuals, families and institutions, upon payment of an annual subscription which shall be fixed at the AGM.
b) Student membership shall be open to those receiving full-time education, upon payment of an annual subscription which shall be fixed at the AGM. A reduced subscription may be fixed for unwaged and retired members.
c) Subscriptions shall be due on 1 January each year.
d) Applications for membership shall be submitted for approval to the Executive Committee.
e) Members other than officers may not use the name of the Society to any non-member as an introduction or reference, without the previous consent of the Committee.
a) The Officers shall consist of: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Field Officer.
b) An Executive Committee consisting of the above Officers and four elected members, with power to co-opt up to four additional members. All members of this Executive Committee are Trustees of HAARG as defined in the Charities Act 2011.
c) The Officers and Committee to be elected at the AGM and the offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall not normally be held for more than five years consecutively. In the event of no alternative nominees being proposed at the end of the five year period, the Chair and Vice Chair can remain in post for a further term if agreed at the AGM.
d) Nominations to be in writing or email to the Secretary at least 7 days before the AGM. Consent of the nominees must be obtained prior to submission. Should no nominations be received in advance for a post, they may be proposed in the course of the meeting.
e) A President may be elected at the AGM and the President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
f) The Committee may additionally invite professional archaeologists and/or representatives of relevant local bodies to attend and offer advice but without voting rights. Such advisers shall not be Trustees under the Charities Acts 2011.
A Trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:
a) is disqualified from acting as a Trustee by virtue of sections 178 and 179 of the Charities Act 2011 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision)
b) ceases to be a member of the Group
c) resigns as a Trustee by written notice to the Group (but only if two Trustees will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect).
a) The Secretary shall keep the Minutes, attend to correspondence and transact normal business.
b) The Chairman shall present a report to the AGM.
c) The Treasurer shall keep the accounts and present a report at the AGM.
d) The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Group.
e) All sums collected or donated to the Society shall be handed over to the Treasurer who shall pay the same into a bank account in the name of the Society. Cheques shall be signed by at least two persons not from the same household, authorised by the Executive Committee, which persons shall be members of the Executive Committee.
f) The Editor shall be responsible for the preparation and production of the Journal.
g) The Field Officer shall be responsible for the co-ordination of the Group's projects.
h) If a committee member fails to attend six consecutive meetings, they can be expelled by the Committee from the Committee.
a) The Committee shall arrange informal meetings, lectures and visits from time to time in accordance with demand.
b) The AGM shall be held within six months of the end of the annual accounting period, and the Executive Committee shall meet on dates decided by them. The quorum at the AGM shall be ten members or one third of the number of members for the time being whichever shall be the greater number present in person.
c) The Secretary shall give at least 14 days-notice of the Annual General Meeting, with an agenda.
d) The AGM shall be open to all, non-members not being permitted to vote.
e) On receipt of a request by 10 paid-up members the Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting.
f) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at the discretion of the Chairman, or on receipt of a request from at least three members of the Executive Committee. The quorum at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be three members or one-third of the number of members for the time being whichever shall be the greater number present in person.
Alterations to this Constitution shall receive the assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or Special General Meeting. A resolution for the alteration of the Constitution must be received by the Secretary of the Society at least 21 days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least 14 days-notice of such a meeting must be given by the Secretary to the membership and must include notice of alterations proposed. Provided that no alteration shall be made to clause 2 (Object) and clause 9 (Dissolution) or this clause, until the approval in writing of the Charity Commissioners or other authority having charitable jurisdiction shall have been obtained; and no alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Society to cease to be a charity in law.
The Society may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of which 21 days-notice shall have been given to the members. Such resolution may give instructions for the dispersal of any assets held by or in the name of the Society, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the society but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to all or some of the objects of the Society as the Society may determine and if in so far as effect cannot be given to this provision then to some other charitable purpose.
Approved 7 May 2022.