2011 onwards
In 1995 the regular Journal was revived under the ‘New series’ numbering system. The following are the dates of issue and titles of the main articles in the "New Series" Journals; most issues also contain shorter "Field Notes" and reports of site visits. This list of publications is best viewed via a desktop computer.
No. 31 – 2011
Old Hastings House and Torfield House. Philippa Whitehill
Hastings Urban Survey – review. David Padgham
National Trust properties, Fairlight – review. David Padgham
The “School Lands” in Ore. William Dance
Hastings Priory and the three lost parish churches.
No. 32 - 2012
Pinwell House, Westfield - a lost tenement. David Padgham and Kevin Cornwell
Roman Bloomery at Stone-in-Oxney. Sarah Burgess and Alan Charman
Geophysical survey at Rookery Field, Winchelsea Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Blacklands Farm, Hastings William Dance
Pebsham Countryside Park - an update. David Padgham
Old St. Helens Church, Ore and a new report by David Padgham
D & B Martin on the architecture.
No. 33 - 2013
Footland Farm, Sedlescombe: A geophysical survey Kevin and Lynn Cornwell with contributions
of the iron-production complex and its transport links. by David Padgham
Escape Compass (WWII). Robert Seaney
Flint Scraper from Barley Lane, Hastings. Lynn Cornwell
No. 34 - 2014
Tile Stamps of the Classis Britannica from Kitchenham Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Farm, Ashburnham - Additional types and archive
Iron Statuettes from Beauport Park. Lynn Cornwell
Kitchenham Farm Roman Scalpel Handle. Lynn Cornwell
Where has all the Roman Ceramic Building Material gone? Lynn and Kevin Cornwell
Bexhill to Hastings Link Road HAARG working with Lynn Cornwell
Oxford Archaeology
No. 35 - 2015
Barn Meadow, Solomons Cottage, Ewhurst, East Sussex Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Geophysical Survey and Excavation.
Evidence of the Town Wall surviving below 58 High Street, Philippa Whitehill
Hastings Old Town.
Geophysical Surveys at Old Place, Icklesham. Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Icklesham 'Roman Road' - A Reassessment. Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Cripp's Corner Nodal Point. Stewart Angell and Peter Hibbs
The Walled Kitchen Garden, Brightling Park. Lynn Cornwell and Paul Praeger
No. 36 - 2016
Fagg Farm, Udimore, East Sussex NGR TQ 9062 2008 Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Fieldwalking, Geophysical Survey and Excavation.
Gensing Cottage (formally Holes Cross Cottage), Kevin Cornwell
Hooe, East Sussex – Centred on NGR TQ 6798 0947
Geophysical Survey and Archaeological Watching Brief.
Castle Field, Forsham Farm, Rolvenden Layne, Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Wassall Lane, Kent. Geophysical Survey.
Kitchenham Farm, Ashburnham NGR TQ 677125. Lynn Cornwell
Roman Toilet Artefacts.
No. 37 - 2017
Lamb House, West Street, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7ES Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
NGR TQ 9204 2028 Geophysical Survey.
In pursuit of the Classis Britannica: Evidence to support Lynn and Kevin Cornwell
military control of the eastern Weald.
Netherfield Place Farm, Netherfield, East Sussex Lynn and Kevin Cornwell
TN33 9PY - NGR TQ 718 178 .
No. 38 - 2018
Tile Stamps of the Classis Britannica from Castle Croft, Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
Ninfield, East Sussex NGR TQ 682116.
Pattleton’s Farm, Westfield, East Sussex Kevin Cornwell
NGR TQ 8224 1632 - Geophysical Survey.
Worked Flint from the Hastings Area. Lynn Cornwell
Archaeological Assessment in the East Hill Caves, Lynn and Kevin Cornwell
Rock-a-Nore, Hastings Old Town NGR TQ 82805 09552
A Roman Latrina at Castle Croft, Ninfield, Lynn and Bob Washington
East Sussex NGR TQ 682116.
No. 39 - 2019
Hastings Country Park Hidden Landscape Project: - Kevin and Lynn Cornwell
A geophysical survey of the open areas of the park,
to identify the underlying archaeology and link the
features to documentary evidence.
No. 40 – 2020
Old St. Helens Church, Ore, East Sussex Revisited - Paul Reed
NGR TQ 82047 12095.
Archaeological Watching Brief on the Eastern Curtain Lynn and Kevin Cornwell
Wall, Hastings Castle, Hastings, East Sussex -
NGR TQ 8209 0943.
Archaeological Watching Brief on the removal of Lynn Cornwell
vegetation and loose stonework from the west facing
cliff of Hastings Castle, Castle Hill Road, Hastings,
East Sussex NGR TQ 81958 09456.