Other Local Groups
If you have a local historical question we will try to find an answer but please be patient. If your question is complex it may take some time to "circulate" the problem and get an answer. We do not generally deal with genealogy. Please check your local society.
Local Museums
Hastings Museums and Art Gallery
Other Hastings area based Groups who may be able to assist are:
Old Hastings Preservation Society
Hastings and Rother Family History Society
Hastings Local History Group contact:
Mrs Heather Grief (01424) 444277 or via e-mail to heather@grief64.fsnet.co.uk
Other Local Archaeological and Research Groups who may be able to help you:
Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society
The Wealden Iron Research Group was founded to investigate the iron industry of the Sussex, Kent and Surrey Weald.
Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society