Events Calendar
Field Work
Planned field work is notified to members by regular newsletter with all short notice projects advised via e-mail or telephone. Unfortunately this type of work can only be offered to members of the society aged 18 or over due to the requirements of our insurance policy and to comply with the society’s constitution. We aim to run at least one excavation per year in addition to frequent geophysical surveys.
Evening Meetings Programme:
We hold meetings on the second Wednesday of the month in October, November, December, February, March and April from 7pm to 9pm in the Independent Church, Albany Road, St. Leonards on Sea TN38 0LL. All meetings are held there unless indicated otherwise.
Wednesday 12th March 7pm Annual General Meeting followed by Sian Evans who will present her talk entitled 'A Life in Copper'.
In the early 1990's Sian served a coppersmithing apprenticeship in Pevensey, where she learnt all aspects of this ancient craft. After 10 years as a full-time parent, she returned to coppersmithing in 2004 with a QEST Scholarship, built her first workshop, and began a small business making one-off pieces of bespoke copperwork and undertaking commissions. A Churchill Fellowship in 2011enabled Sian to travel to France, Greece and India to research the origins of coppersmithing and she has just completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield, bringing to light the hidden history of female metalsmiths. This talk will explain the techniques of coppersmithing and illustrate the ways this ancient craft has been used over the centuries.
For members under 18, a parent or guardian should accompany the junior member to evening meetings.
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