Protection of Young and Vulnerable Persons
HAARG is a registered educational charity offering training, through membership to the public in general. As it would not be practicable or cost-effective within our limited funds to arrange checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (previously Criminal Records Bureau) for all of our trustees, in line with advice from the Charity Commissioners the following guide-lines have been drawn up:
Vulnerable adults: these are defined as:
(a) having a substantial learning or physical disability;
(b) having a physical or mental illness or mental disorder;
(c) having a significant reduction in mental capacity;
In all such cases they must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. Additionally, as archaeological sites are by their nature potentially dangerous, special consideration must be given to site safety, and this may make it necessary to the site supervisor to deny access to a particular site.
Due to insurance restraints, HAARG is unable to allow under 18s to attend or take active part in excavations, but are welcome to attend meetings with an accompanying responsible adult.